
VX Live-Stream - Trims and Splits

1. Set up a VX Live Stream Session. Ensure you have selected which trim setting you would like before clicking the start session button else it will default to a single session (this cannot be changed while the session is running).


2. To open VX Live-Stream, either click on the text in the blue box or enter into a web browser, and enter in the code when prompted. Note: the full code is a 6 digit number + 3 random characters and gives the user access to creating trims and splits, Those who enter the 6 digit number alone can only view the stream data.


3. Once on the VX Live-stream page, under the table type heading click on the Trim/Split option. Your athletes will be displayed in the box below.


4. From here select your athletes, then start the session by clicking the play button underneath the session label.


5. To add splits, click the "add split" button on the left hand side of the page and select the split name.


6. Once you've added the split it will pop up next to the session box, click the play button whenever you would like the split to start and the stop button when you would like it to stop. Each time you start and stop a split for a specific athlete, the tool creates a new split with the same name for import into VX View. You can then view this data totaled inside VX View. This provides an easy way to perform splits for rolling subs, or specific drills you want to total.


7. Click back on either "All Metrics" or "Progress" to view the data inside your created trims and splits. Use the drop down in the top right hand corner to choose which trims or splits you view.


8. Once you would like to finish the session, either click the end button inside the trim, and confirm the session ending in the pop up box or stop the session within VX Live.


9. Once the live session is finished, it's time to download your data. With your units plugged in, go to the Manage tab and click extract data. Make sure all of the athlete details are correct and click the "From File" button.


10. Your file explorer will open your Live Tagging folder, located in your documents under VX Live. Select the CSV file for the correct day (most recent) and click open.


11. Your files will now download as usual, but your files will be trimmed/split already based on what you've done in VX Live-Stream.


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