VX Sport offers users the ability to import a pre-filled file with athlete benchmarks into LiveStream to see how an athlete is progressing throughout a training session.
2. Complete the attached CSV template with all of your athlete benchmarks for the session. Make sure your athlete names are spelt exactly how it shows in the "Selected Athletes" box on VX Live. The format for this is FirstName,LastName (note: no spaces). Any rows left blank will be treated as zero's and not used. Save the template and close the file. You can alternatively download a copy of the template from the VX Live setup screen using the "Get Template" button. Note: you can do this before or after starting the session.
3. Click the "Import Benchmarks" button on the VX Live setup screen. Select the template file from your computer and click open. Once completed, your benchmarks will be applied to your athletes.
4. These benchmarks will now be reflected in VX Live-Stream. Click the "Now Streaming to stream.vxsport.com" link to monitor your athletes and see how their benchmarks are tracking live throughout the session.