
VX Sport Training Companion 3.0.0 New Features

There are a range of new features in VX Sport Training Companion 3.0.0, which are outlined below. If you have any questions about these features, feel free to reach out to us at 


Group Benchmarks

  • Teams can now set benchmarks on a group level. All athletes within a team must use the same metrics and weightings, but benchmarks are able to be customized per group by using the “Group Benchmarks” option on the Set Benchmarks page.



VX Live-Stream Integration

  • VX Training Companion now features integration with VX Live-Stream. You can now view your Training Load scores in real time by entering in your currently running VX Live-Stream code into Training Companion. This will then use the currently set metrics, benchmarks (including Group benchmarks) and weightings to show you your Training Load scores.




sRPE Load Support via VX Cloud

  • sRPE sessions that are entered in via VX Cloud can now be synced and viewed in Training Companion. Sessions will be grouped into categories, which are then used as the “metrics” for the load score. sRPE load scores will match what is shown in VX Cloud – the load score is RPE x Duration, and is not scaled down to 100.



New Metric Selection Screen

  • As part of the benchmarks screen update we have created a new metric selection screen, which will now show you whether or not a metric is available in VX Live, as well as provide metric descriptions.

6 New Metrics

  • High Intensity Jump Count, Very High Speed Distance, High Intensity Sprint Distance, High Intensity Efforts, High Met Power Distance, Very-High Met Power Distance.



Custom metric sets on a team and sport basis

  • If you have multiple sports within your system, you can now customize your load calculations to be specific for these sports. Would be helpful if for example you have a basketball team and a soccer team in the system, you can have 2 totally different metric sets to account for the outdoor only metrics.



Additional filtering options

  • You can now filter by positional group as well as quick filter by season from the filter bar.



Updated Season support

  • Data outside of the currently selected season can now be selected via the calendar on the single day view. This will present users the option to extend their season to encompass the newly selected data.



Auto Game Tagging

  • If downloaded files have “Game” at the start their event name in VX View, Training Companion will automatically recognize them as a game session.


Background syncing

  • Data will load in the background as you’re using Training Companion. 


Full Offline Support

  • Including Cloud Teams – if you’ve logged into Training Companion with a VX Cloud account before, your team lists will be cached. Any data you have previously synced will be available to select and view.
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