Trimming and splitting allow users to view and analyse data captured by VX Sport. The ability to select specific sections of data can allow users to accurately break down sessions into smaller chunks for comparison, as well as removing unwanted data.
The trim and split function can be accessed during data extraction as well as post download, allowing users to apply trims and splits either immediately or later on.
Where do I find it?
The Trim/Split button can be found in two places:
1. The Download Pop up screen.
2. Training Report Tab.
Both buttons are named Trim & Split and are easily recognisable. When extracting data a pop up screen will appear giving the user the opportunity to click either Split/Trim, Save and/or Cancel.
**Please note that at this time you will see a small tick box on the left hand side of the pop up. This allows you to apply the trims and splits with current athlete benchmarks. By default re-trimming a file will use the benchmarks from the athlete at the time of download. If you have changed these benchmarks after the fact and want your file to use the new benchmarks, please click this box.
Trimming the Data
The user has the ability to select "Single", "Halves", "Thirds" & "Quarters". This is located at the top of the screen (see image below).
The trim feature is a great tool to cut out any unwanted data throughout a session. E.g. going in the changing rooms, Halftime.
The user has the ability to enter specific start and end times or alternatively drag the green highlighted box located in the chart for specified trim periods.
If trims are applied to multiple athletes feel free to check that the trim periods are correct by individually selecting the athlete along the left. This will bring up the specific athletes trace.
Note: You can un-tick the Lock Trim Grid box to trim individual players
For in-depth analysis splits allow users to accurately break down sessions into smaller specific sections.
Similar to trims, splits are applied to all athletes that are selected.
Splits are then added by using the button labelled ‘Add Split’. You can then edit the split name and choose which athletes you would like to apply the split too. You can then drag the red bar (Split bar) or edit the split times to the specific sections. To see the split bar appear on the above trace, click on split length.
To add another split, click add split and use the same process to select another section. Note: There is no limit on the amount of Splits you can add.
Zoom function for Trims and Splits- Click on the top trace and drag a greyed out area over the selected spot you wish to zoom into. Once you release the mouse button it will zoom into the specific area. To reset the zoom, press Reset Zoom Button found under top trace. This is used to get the exact timings down to the millisecond (if needed) when applying both trims and splits.
Once you have finished your trim and splits click save (bottom right).
Re-Trim & Split
To Re-trim and Split the only change is that you will receive a pop up message stating if you would like to keep existing trim/splits or delete all trims/splits within the file and start from scratch. Once you have selected Yes or No the split screen will appear.
Training Report Filters:
The training report has been adapted allowing users to view trims/splits in the training report.
These filters have been added which allow us to see overall data or selected trim/split points. The filter also allows us to select specific positions and positional groups. The filters work in an easy drop down menu on the top of the training report. Once you have found the selected filter you want to use you can click the ‘Apply Filters’ button. To erase/clear the filters you can then select the ‘Clear Filters’ button.
Once you have selected which filters (if any) you would like to view you can also export by PDF and CSV for further analysis.